This model is remix of two models from thingiverse, abarth wheel cover 43mm and abarth scorpione. I remix it to made it more detailed and filled logo of scorpion on the top of car wheel cover.
First version (abarth_cover_lower) has lower symbol, because of this, the black color shone through the scorpion symbol and it didn't look very nice.
Because of that, I made a thicker symbol and a circle on top of the cover (abarth_cover).
In files, you can find both version, I prefere 'abarth_cover'.
If you open 'abarth_cover.3mf' as a project, it's preset with colour changing and ironing of the first layer and whole symbole with a circle.
If you want smother surface, rotate model and use supports, but printing time will be significantly longer.
Happy printing and drive safe ;)
The author remixed this model.