Bambu Lab P1P Complete Clean Look

Give your P1P a clean look if you don't need an enclosure!
updated November 14, 2023



After printing Sven's Clean Look model for my P1P, I knew straight away that I needed the same look for the rear too! I have no need for an enclosure any time soon but I still wanted to give the printer a nice look.

I took the files from the Lite Enclosure and gave the accent pieces a rounded appearance to blend in with the P1P a bit more. At the same time I also removed any unnecessary features that are needed for the clear panels to attach to. 

The bottom left side piece was also adapted to sit flush with the bottom of the printer to aid in removing any stray bits of filament that have fallen down. It flaps when touched due to there not being the clear panel present but a piece of double sided tape would help. I haven't done this but the option is there. The original side piece is also included too.

In terms of printing, please refer to Sven's detailed instructions from the Lite Enclosure as the parts are ultimately the same. This also applies to the tools and screws needed. Just ignore the ones for the clear panels.

Pictured is the side mount spool holder and filament guide that you can find here.

Another nice upgrade is this Rear Panel Cover from Vadity to complete the look!

Earn your Prusameters and post your makes, I'd love to see the different colour combos you come up with!


Edit: Correct files added for the front left pieces!



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Added back pieces for an all round look.
