Voron StealthBurner adapter for Anycubic Kobra Neo

Voron StealthBurner print head adapter plate for Anycubic Kobra Neo
updated August 28, 2023



Voron Stealthburner adapter for Anycubic Kobra Neo

So .. I did a thing. After upgrading my Voron V0.2 to dragon-burner I had parts for the whole Stealthburner at hand. After searching for some way to mount it to my Kobra Neo, I tried a few models for different printers. My model is a remix of adapter for Anycubic Vyper. I had to change position of mounting holes, add some holes to accomodate existing screws and nuts on the x carriage and think of a way to reuse the ABL sensor of the printer. All of which somehow works in the end. 

I am an amateur in 3D modeling and this is my first try at it. Because the model I remixed doesn't provide model files, I had to reverse it from mesh and try to modify it that way. Some things on the model don't really make sense, like not completely filled holes above the ABL sensor mounting, but this is a first version, that does what it is supposed to. I will try to learn more about Fusion 360 and fix those issues in my free time.

After the upgrade I didn't lose any Z height but I lost about 15mm of Y printing space because the nozzle is now moved forward to make space for ABL probe. The probe offset is now roughly Y 22.1mm and X 3mm for me. You can use it as a guideline.

What you need:

In addition to existing parts you have after taking off the print head (4x mounting screws, ABL sensor, spring and screw mounting ABL sensor) and a fully built Voron Stealthburner you will need:

M3 heat inserts8Depth of the holes is 5.5mm, I used M3x5 heat inserts and they fit. M3x4/M3x4.5 would probably be okay too.
M3x50 SHCS screws2For mounting the Mainbody through tool carriage to the adapter.
M3x6/M3x8 FHCS screws 2For mounting the tool carriage under the ClockWork 2 extruder.
M3x8 SHCS/BHCS2For mounting ClockWork 2 to the adapter. In Stealthburner manual see pages 64, 65 for refference.
M3x25 SHCS/BHCS2For mounting Mainbody to the ClockWork 2 extruder.

Built and tested with Dragon Hotend SF. It had to be turned 180 degrees compared to Voron Stealthburner manual because of the ABL clearance as shown in the pictures.

You will probably have to run new cables for your fans to the mainboard. Or like me crimp JST connectors to existing cables and make them “quick swap”. I reused the thermistor and heat element from the original toolhead.

The ABL sensor has to be positioned a little lower (roughly 1mm) then shown in the pictures.

Print setting for the adapter plate are the same as is recommended for the Stealthburner on Voron website. 

  • Layer height: 0.2mm
  • Extrusion width: 0.4mm, forced
  • Infill pecentage: 40%
  • Infill type: grid, gyroid, honeycomb, triangle, or cubic
  • Wall count: 4
  • Solid top/bottom layers: 5
  • Supports: NONE
  • Material: best is ASA/ABS, but I think even PET-G would be OK. The adapter plate is not really close to the heat source.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
