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Bambu Lab X1 Carbon fast start + end gcode

Start + End gcode for X1 Carbon to optimise print start time without sacrificing first layer quality
updated May 25, 2024



Many thanks for this! I have been looking for ways to speed up the start up prep on my x1c and this is exactly what Ive been looking for. No issues so far and prints retain the same quality. I appreciate your work on this! Between this and @DzzD 's color change and purge optimizations, it has definitley sped up my work flow! (edited)

Finally! This is precisely what I've been looking for. Works like a charm. I manually preheat my bed, so to be able to start a print in a little over a minute is a game changer!
Thanks very much.

The filament round out sensor doesn't seem to stop the printer, when it runs out on P1S

Is this safe to use with the P1S?

Thanks :)

Really good stuff! One problem I had or maybe it just has to be this way, if you bed level with original Gcode then swap to this one it doesn't seem to use the other gcodes bed level. Didn't realize that and thought it was bugged until I releveled bed with the new gcode and got good prints again.

Also wondering if leaky filament will mess up homing? All my filament leaks and this gcode when homing has some filament in nozzle which I guess means my z would be slightly off but it doesn't really seem to affect my prints.

Anyways, thanks! been wanting this forever lol

I used the fast G-Code for the 0.4 mm Nozzle. I love it.
Is it possible to use it for the 0.2 mm Nozzle?

Hi, I am a beginner i have downloaded your file and not sure what to do with it. Could you point in the right direction on how to load the g-code. Is there a youtube of what to do or a wiki page?
Many thanks

When I started a print from the printer I always saw a configuration of 4 filaments. I added a line and it came back with the selection of the right number of filament.

I added "M620 M"
Before "M620 S[initial_no_support_extruder]A ; switch material if AMS exist"

@SebastienBin_1349800 Thanks for pointing this out. I had not noticed it but have updated the file along with a few other changes I've found to be a tiny bit more consistent. The biggest change is probably removing the quick wipe sequence at the end. It was inspired by another gcode I used, but i found it isn't necessary, and even sometimes made the first part of the print adhere less well to the bed.

Love this! Such a time saver during rapid prototyping. Any idea as to how to fix the printer staying on "cleaning nozzle" during the print? Thanks

@WinfieldJone_1798194 Thanks for pointing it our. Change

M1002 gcode_claim_action : 13
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 0

I'll upload a new version (including a couple of other tiny changes) shortly

I suggest you add in the multi zoffset code, I think this is a fantastic addition to your already great GCode.

@hongkongkiwi_1701206 Very much open to this but i hesitate to include it without explanation or justification as to how each of the values have been determined or what they achieve vs the default bambu version.
IIRC, the -0,04 for Textured PEI was actually a suggestion from someone in the community that gained widespread approval as many users found the textured PEI first layer wasnt fully contacting the bed without it, and it was subsequently adopted by Bambu Studio so no doubt there can be more improvements.
I also don't have all those filaments to test atm, so I think until there is some clearer testing I wil leave as is, you are free to add it in yourself though!

It's so damn fast !
I use it when I have multiple print to do in a row. The first print is done with the official profile and the others with this profile.
There are some intelligent things, like not retracting the entire filament at the end of the print, when you want to print the next one with the same filament.

I think I understand what's going on. You need to add the command
M620 M ;enable remap
before changing the filament