Edit-11-03-2024 – Added f3d and STEP files for altering if needed.
I remixed the box to fit NanoVNA-H's measurements, and modeled some infill to support it. The fillings also have spaces for calibration bits and couple of converters.
The infill is to be printed with rather soft FLEX material like TPU, with no perimeters, no solid layers and 10-12% gyroid infill with 0.16 or 0.20 layer height and 0.4 nozzle. You need to find the sweet spot where there's enough support but it's also soft.
You should print outsides with a heat resistant filament like PETG, PLA just softens and looses shape in slightest sunshine.
The author remixed this model.
The rugged box, modified to house the NanoVNA, added infills to be brinted with TPU.