This is a dirty remix of the original Stöckli Dörrex dehydrator spacer for large spools of filament.
I basically just cut it into 4 equal parts, you can fit 2 on a bed so it fits a MK3/MK4.
Printed in PETG on MK4 Alpha with input shaper in under 5h (for 2 segments out of 4).
Use a smooth sheet to ensure adhesion. I tried on a silk (with input shaper) and one corner came off. This might not be a problem without input shaper / slower.
I also printed a part without input shaper at 0.3 layer height in ~7:30h, also came out fine.
I have not added any larger surfaces to the model for gluing it up, as I might just leave it in quarters for easier storage.
The user re-uploaded this model. The user is not the original author of the model.