200% Scale parts for F**K Around and Find Out Street Signs

Some remixed parts to allow the original sign to be printed at 200% scale.
updated August 6, 2023



The scale is matched to the original model so that you can use the same scale percentage for all parts.

See here for the signs you'll need: https://www.printables.com/model/535312-fk-around-and-find-out-street-signs

The original model's base was not very strong when scaled up so I created a new base which is printed in multiple parts.  Likewise the post extensions has a weak point on the threads so I added an internal void to force extra perimeters near the threads.

Also the “sign holders” ended up cracking on me when scaled up even though they worked fine at the original scale so I thickened them and added smidge more clearance.

I printed the feet in TPU for a softer contact with the floor.

I printed these in ASA with a 0.6mm nozzle using 6 perimeters and 7 top/bottom layers to ensure it is strong.

TODO: Alter these files to use a galvanized or PVC pipe/conduit because printing the post causes this model to use twice as much filament.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
