18 Remixed versions of the snap together VisionFive2 case lid with logos, fans and vents

A remix of the excellent visionfive2 case from @mothdotmonster, with I/O cutouts, vents, logos and fans
updated August 2, 2023



This is a series of remixes of the solid case top from the excellent snap-together VisionFive2 case by @mothdotmonster

Use adaptive slicing for best results with these case models!

The fan holes have simple vents but also have cutting slits (inside the case) so you can remove the whole fan centre; just use a craft knife and follow the slots inside with care.

All vented and fan models have extra vents over the power converter area since that runs hot if you have an NVMe or other power loads.

I used a scadfile to import the original top, then chop lots of holes and shallow slots in it to give access to the primary I/O providing thin cut-outs where necessary. 

I then mix that into 16 variations of fans, logo, and vented I/O case tops.  But I also added a ‘pure logo, no I/O or vents' version too.

The ‘oddball’ case (cover photo) is my test piece, it has a 20mm fan over the CPU, and a 30mm fan over the power supply electronics. I'm using this now, and have added the .stl for it, but be aware that the I/O connector slot is ½ mm too narrow and had to be trimmed to the correct size. This is fixed in the other stl's and scadfile.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
