Shell for G305 Mouse with USB C Charging

Remix of existing G305 shell modified to use a USB charging AAA battery and to allow use with later G305 PCB revisions.
updated July 23, 2023



This is a remix of the VIPRO v1 Mouse G305 Shell that changes the battery to a USB charging AAA battery. Additionally the design was modified to allow it to work with later G305 PCB revisions that have a few larger components that interfere with the original design.


The reason to redesign to use a AAA is that the lipo battery in the original design runs at a higher voltage than the mouse was designed for. While it seems to work fine for many people, it is likely to reduce the life of components.


New Parts:

  • USB C Mount
    • Different USB C connector than the original design since the charging circuits are build into the AAA. All that is needed is a simple USB C breakout.
  • BatteryHolder
    • Remixed from another designer on Thingiverse to work in this design

Modified Parts:

  • FixPlateEqualHeight
    • Added features for mounting  the battery holder and geometry changes to be compatible with later G305 PCBs
  • Sidebutton0_3mm
    • Increased base thickness to better fit in the bottom plate.

The other parts were unchanged.

I also printed a mouse wheel found on Reddit

Direct link:




Be sure to test fit everything before bolting in. I had to file in a few places for better fit.



  1. Print parts. You'll need 2x of the USB mount part
    1. One of the modeled supports for the mounting boss on the backplate interferes with the side buttons. Cut it away with a knife.
  2. Wet sand parts to desired smoothness using increasing grit paper
  3. Solder USB C cable
  4. Assemble
    1. PCB goes into the bottom
      1. Be sure to place the original on/off switch under the pcb before bolting
    2. Fixture plate and main button switches goes on top of PCB
    3. Bolt PCB, switches, and fixture plate to bottom plate
    4. Battery mount bolts onto fixture plate
      1. Use the battery contacts from the original shell
    5. Snap in the side buttons into the base
    6. Snap in the side button switches in to the fixture plate
      1. I used a dab of super glue to make sure it did not move out of the slot since it was slightly loose. 
    7. Mount the female USB c connector with the two mount parts
      1.  I used super glue to help keep the USB C from sliding
    8. Bolt mouse buttons to back plate
      1. Might need to use a 1.5 mm drill on some of the holes on the back plate
    9. Bolt top and bottom together.






Model origin

The author remixed this model.
