Another Honeycomb storage wall remix

Additional mounts for items not included in the original collection.
updated July 17, 2023



Honeycomb Insert Spool holder: These will fit in the hollow inserts in the original collection. These are for holding spools of wire. I designed them for use with cheap 3/8" dowel rod. If other size dowel is desired contact me and I'll post other sizes.

Honeycomb Insert safety glasses: These will fit in the hollow inserts in the original collection. They are made to hold a pair of safety glasses. 

Honeycomb Insert drywall anchor: These are a remix of the original wall securing mounts. These are made to work with the 50 & 75 lbs coarse screw type drywall mounts you can get from Home Depot. I will include a picture.

Honeycomb Insert bit set: These will fit in the hollow inserts in the original collection. These are meant to hold small bit sets that have a hole in the case for store display. 


Model origin

The author remixed this model.


Highlighted models from creator

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