Loved Popandsicle's Master Sword design, but didn't see any horizontal display stands for that sword (or others) that I liked, so I thought I'd design a simple one that fits the Zelda theme!
Simple design using 2 identical halves, and 2 friction-fit pins to attach them together, with the sword slotting in-between.
The gold Triforce in the pictures differs from the white background, which is larger and overlaps the triangles to make it possible to print as 1 piece, while the Gold region maintains the proper dimensions/spacing to look like a proper Triforce.
For all printers/variants:
Print 2x triforce_stand_pin.stl (default settings, or strong)
and 2x whatever stand file you use
If you have Multicolor Printing/MMU/AMS:
Use the provided triforce_stand_painted.3mf, changing filament colors/slots as needed
Use the triforce_stand_multicolor.stl, and paint the inset Triforce region yourself. Picture attached for reference, there is a 0.01mm inlay that your slicer should let you autofill (I had no issues in BambuStudio).
I print with 5 bottom layers, low infill (I do 5%) is fine, 0.2mm layer height, all default PLA settings.
Filament Swapping, or Single-Color:
Use the provided triforce_stand_swap.3mf, and optionally add a filament swap in your slicer when the protruding triforce region start printing. (In BambuStudio, right click the layer on the right side slider in the “Preview” Pane after slicing, and click “Change Filament”. Picture attached for reference).
Print triforce_stand_swap.stl with 5 top layers and supports. Feel free to add a support blocker for the pin holes; they don't need support.
Low infill is fine, 0.2mm layer height, default PLA settings.
The author remixed this model.