Czech Club Chess Set (Prusa Fusion 360 Course)

The chess set exercise from the Prusa "3D Modelling in Fusion 360" course.
updated July 7, 2023



I used my Prusameter points to sign up for the 3D Modeling in Fusion 360 course as soon at it was available.  The third example project in the course is to make this chess set, and at the end of the step-by-step instructions, the course invites you to upload your version as a remix of the original.  So I did.

It was fun to feel myself make progress through the course; this project isn't particularly difficult, but I felt really productive as I made each piece. That's the benefit of getting more familiar with your tools, I guess.  Even though there are six pieces, I think I finished this exercise relatively quickly.

When printing, be aware that if you want to remain true to the historical set that this is modeled on:

  • The pawn and the rook are single piece, single color.
  • The knight is two pieces.
  • The bishop mitre (aka bishop hat) requires two color changes.
  • The queen is two pieces, printed in opposite colors.
  • The king's crown requires one color change.

Of course you could just print them in a single color and honestly they still look pretty good.

I'm including the .f3d file in case you're curious how the pieces are modeled, the .stl files, and .3mf files including color changes and supports.

Thanks again to Prusa for a very useful and fun Fusion 360 course!


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
