This is a cup-holder style holder keeping your WD-40 oil can nicely on your Honeycomb Storage Wall (HSW) for easy retrieval. The model was designed for the 200ml bottle (diameter 53mm).
If you own 100ml bottles, have a look here - my design is inspired by Andre's model for the smaller bottle: WD40 Holder for Honeycomb Storage Wall
What is needed?
How to print
Use support for the upper insert attached to the holder model - I used manual tree support in the Bambu Studio slicer to minimize material required for the support structure.
I suggest to stick with the original suggestions for printing holders and inserts for the honeycomb wall: Use any material you like (I used red PETG), with layer height of 0.2mm, 4 perimeters and 20% infill.
The inserts attached to the holder model will fit very tightly into the empty inserts - I used a hammer to press them into place.
The author remixed this model.