Binary Wristwatch

An ATtiny402 powered wristwatch that tells time using BCD LED digits
updated June 14, 2023



ATtiny402 Binary Wristwatch

A minimal binary wristwatch powered by the ATtiny402. Pressing the left button will make the LEDs light up in BCD digits for a few seconds before automatically turning back off to conserve power. Based off of some initial measurements, a CR1216 battery should be able to keep the watch powered for multiple months of use. The full project, including source code, is on my GitHub.


File descriptions

  • watch_body.3mf: The main body of the watch that holds the PCB. Designed to be used with a full-loop style, 15mm watch band.
  • watch_screw.3mf: A screw-in cover to allow access to the battery compartment. Has a large slot to allow it to be unscrewed with coins or can tabs for convenience
  • Design files for the PCB itself that can be sent to a PCB fabrication service. I used DKRed for the PCB in the picture, but something like OSH Park's After Dark PCBs would also work great!

Print settings

I printed the watch with the face side up and top layer ironing enabled for quality. I used the following settings:

  • 0.4mm nozzle
  • 0.45mm line width
  • 0.1mm layer height
  • 10% gyroid infill
  • Snug supports, auto generated
  • Topmost surface ironing, 0.1mm spacing and 15% flow rate

Additional parts needed

You'll need a CR2032 battery, the watch face PCB, a 18mm watch band, and some way of programming the ATtiny402. I just used an Arduino Uno and followed this tutorial. You'll also need the following electronic components:

ComponentCountDigiKey Part Number
Push button2P13348SCT-ND
Battery holder1BK-916-CT-ND
Blue LED121830-1068-1-ND
47Ω resistor410-ERJ-H3GJ470VCT-ND
4.7kΩ resistor110-ERJ-H3GJ472VCT-ND
10kΩ resistor210-ERJ-H3GJ103VCT-ND


The watch body was designed using onshape and has a parametric field for watch band width. If you want to make any alterations to the design, it is accessible here. The PCB was designed using KiCad EDA, and the source code was written in VSCode.

License Info

This work is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. use, and modify this work for any non-commercial reasons as long as you give appropriate credit. The author additionally grants permission for PCB and CAD design files to be sent to third-party manufacturers for fabrication as long as these fabricated parts or assemblies containing these fabricated parts are not later resold for profit.

Change Log

  • 1.0.0 (6/9/2024): Initial release
  • 2.0.0 (6/13/2024): Higher LED duty cycle, calibration support, CR2032 watch battery, 15mm to 18mm strap, and generally nicer looking PCB


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
