TS100 rugged case SYRINGE INSERT

An insert for the TS100 rugged case that holds a 6ml flux syringe and the soldering iron. Check full description.
updated June 8, 2023



The original model is made by Termiman, later a mamber PjotrStrog created a nicer and reinforced version of this case, but did not upload an insert that holds a 6ml flux syringe. Since I prefer to have my flux in the case instead of the cable, I have edited Termiman's model to fit PjotrStrog's case.

I have also made the clips holding the iron and the syringe a tiny bit wider since it was too tight and difficult to insert and take out.

Since the rest of the case design is not my work, you can download it at PjotrStrog's page (I have cited the remixed model). I have printed and tested it, fits perfectly fine. Printed with PLA, 50% gyroid infill, 0.2 mm layers, topmost layer ironing, no supports.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
