Sub Irrigated Planter

Indoor Sub Irrigated Planter suitable for a windowsill.
updated June 8, 2023



This is a sub irrigated planter I designed for use in a windowsill. I was inspired by the planter design by Mikolas Zuza.

However, I wanted to make sure there was excellent aeration/exchange of water into the soil, and no chance for algal growth, so I made a similar design with a few changes.

The inner liner has independent drain holes for oxygenating the soil/draining excess water to the water storage. This includes two wicking standoffs that sit in the water reservoir to wick water up into the soil. The reservoir is roughly 35mm deep, with a 15mm air gap to the bottom of the inner liner that holds the soil.

If you over water there is a drain on the side that dumps out to a spill pan to allow the excess to evaporate on its own around the outside of the outer shell. This also allows air to flow back in easily to the bottom of the inner liner. The drain hole has a cover to prevent light from getting into the water tank area.

The sub irrigated water input has a zigzag, so that no light can get down to the water, (to prevent algae buildup). I also flared it a little at the top so it is easier to pour into.

If you want to know the water level, you can just pour until a little comes out into the spill pan. I couldn't really think of a good way to view it without allowing for algae growth in the reservoir.

All models are printable without supports (angles are generally 45 deg or sub 10mm bridges with supports). Make sure to print with at least 3-4 perimeters to prevent water seepage, similar with the layers.

I printed two and had some spots where the outer shell started to become loose from the print plate on the corner, so you may want to paint a support or two on the front corners of the spill pan to prevent rocking/slight desticking from the build plate. It did not affect the overall structure, but I think it caused a couple somewhat unsightly lines where it bulged the layer at the top of the spill pan a little.

The inner liner and wicking standoff require no supports at all.

Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
