Stacking Clips Adapters for Ikea Trofast

Stop buying covers for IKEA Trofast boxes! Stacking Boxes without covers is now possible!
updated June 8, 2023



Original design distributed on Creative Commons - Attribution License by Bartłomiej Łukasik “bartlomiejluk”  Great idea!


The main idea of this project is to not need to buy overpriced covers from IKEA and be able to stack boxes on top of each other. 

Print 4pcs:

  • 10cm stl to stack small (42x30x10 cm) boxes 
  • 23cm stl to stack medium (42x30x23 cm) boxes 
  • big (42x30x36 cm) trofast are not yet supported 

Skechup file included - feel free to remix!


Licensing Details

What's allowed:
- selling prints among your friends 
- selling prints in small local communities
- remixing (but it does not change rules) 

What's required:
- when posting offering - always link to this project and original designer page
- when selling print - keep best print quality 

What's forbidden:
- listing on eBay / Etsy and other commercial aimed platforms 
- using any photos from my Printables and Instagram
- distributing original project files 

What's welcome:
- clicking donate button to help developing projects like this
- sending remixes to merge it with project 
- sending me opinions and suggestions to help develop project 
- posting as many pictures of stands on Printables as you want


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Ikea Trofast stackable clip
by bartlomiejluk (
