I was not able to print the original model in my printer because my table is 180mm x 180mm so I have remixed the model to fit in 180mm tables. I kept the basic parts, the tips and the screwdriver. I also added two hinges on one side and added four cylindrical 3mm x 4mm magnets on the other side that work nicely to hold the top in place. Use a section of 1.75mm filament inside the hinges as shaft.
Note that the box can fit the same tips as the original one, 55 normal bits, it can not hold the long bits
I have used PLA+, 0.2mm layer, 3 perimeters, 5 solid layers (top/bottom) and 20% cubic infill
Update: I added a second top that includes the WOW logo as the original design.
The author remixed this model.