Filament Tracking With Google Sheets & QR Codes

A filament tracking system I built with Google Sheets and QR codes, which can be scanned and updated from a phone
updated January 15, 2024




V1.1 - 1/14/2024 - Google depreciated their QR code generator. I have converted to using for QR code generation. Some changes in the setup instructions, some changes
on the backend though. Changes noted here:
● Modified URLs to accommodate the new QR generator.
● No longer need to modify & values to %26, but still need to split URL into 2. See updated
instructions, they detail the process to integrate the URL

*If you are upgrading from an existing sheet which already has your values, you do not need to
start from scratch. The easiest method would be to copy the formulas for the Spool Specific
URL, and Spool Specific QR Code into your existing sheet. You may want to re-grab the URL,
the & change is no longer needed, but should still work if already modified




As I witnessed the Overengineered Filament Closet, I wanted to setup something similar. My biggest problem: I don't have Excel on my personal PC's. I also wanted to make it a little more versatile, not using a barcode scanner, as I thought it would be more of a chore to stop and weigh spools if I needed to get the scanner out just to update weights. Big thanks to @Shoe for the inspiration here, I just took my own Google based approach since I don't use Excel at home. 

I put together a filament spool tracking system which uses QR codes, so they can be scanned in and updated from a phone using a Google Form from your phone's browser. Usually takes me about a minute to weigh, scan, and update the spool weight into the spreadsheet. 

When a spool QR is scanned, it opens the form, and shows me the ID #, and basic spool information, so I can confirm I have the correct spool. I then weigh the spool (filament and spool), type the weight into the form and submit. It is updated in the Google Sheet, and it keeps record, using the latest value provided when scanned in. See the screenshots here of the form, and sheet to get an idea of how it works. 

I enter the spool weight into the spreadsheet, so it is accounted for in the weighing. If you do not know the spool weight, search around, or use your best guess to accommodate this. I also use dropdowns and the data verification implementation in Google Sheets for my material, color, and manufacturer selections. You will probably need to edit these to add any spools you may have. Instructions to do this are provided

I found the formatting of the labels to be a little tricky as well. Getting everything to fit properly on a label took some tinkering, but once you know what your settings are, its pretty easy to pump out a bunch of labels. I provided some instructions, but it may ultimately vary based on your label approach. The QR codes also need to be large enough to print with enough detail for a camera to read them. This took some trial and error, and is why I ended up with the 3"x2" labels. The 2.25"x1.25" I tried initially would not always scan consistently. Might also be tricky for spools with large cutouts in them, as there might not be a good place to stick them. I ran into this with some FlashForge spools I have. 

The attached model file is a life size representation of the 3"x2" label. Just in case you want to see how large it is, and compare it to the sides of your spool for fitment purposes. 

Let me know if you have any suggestions or recommendations, and I will consider adding them into the Sheet/Form!


Share your make's and let me know how it's working for you!




-Google Drive Account, download and copy the Public Sheet & Form here: If you make a copy into your own drive, the form will be added automatically. You can then follow the setup instructions to get the URL's working properly. I kept some spool information in the public sheet, but removed all personal URL's so the QR Codes do not show up. You will need to follow the setup instructions to get this working properly in your own Google Sheet. 

-Thermal Printer for adhesive labels. You could also use a standard printer, and tape them on the spools, if you don't have a thermal printer.

-3"x2" Labels I use:

-A bit of patience and willpower. Getting the Google end of things and QR codes working properly takes a bit of work. Please see the Setup Instructions to get things going. I tried to list out every step as clearly as possible. If you get stuck, comment here, and I can try to help out. 


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

V1.1 of the instructions released. 

V1.1 - 1/14/2024 - Google depreciated their QR code generator. I have converted to using for QR code generation. Some changes in the setup instructions, some changes
on the backend though. Changes noted here:
● Modified URLs to accommodate the new QR generator.
● No longer need to modify & values to %26, but still need to split URL into 2. See updated
instructions, they detail the process to integrate the URL

*If you are upgrading from an existing sheet which already has your values, you do not need to
start from scratch. The easiest method would be to copy the formulas for the Spool Specific
URL, and Spool Specific QR Code into your existing sheet. You may want to re-grab the URL,
the & change is no longer needed, but should still work if already modified
