I ran into the Problem that I permanently mounted my feet trackers on my Kat Walk VR C2 treadmill shoes, which is fine but when I wanna do a session without my treadmill like dancing in VRChat with a normal pair of shoes for example, its kind of cumbersome undoing the trackers from the treadmill shoes and put them on the other pair …….and back and forth.
So I invented a mounting system that makes it easy to simply quick swap the shoe mounted trackers between different pairs of shoes.
It utilizes 4 pins, 8 magnets and a flexible cord (same like the stretchable shoelaces the KAT vr shoes use)
When gluing in the magnets make sure they all do attract the opposite site as its going to be hard to get them out once they are glued in.
Usa a piece of flexible cord to additionally secure the tracker in place.
Things you need:
Flexible rubber cord ( 2.5mm diameter):
If your shoes only have normal shoe laces I would advice you to swap them with the same rubber cord as they are flexible and provide a more stable and comfortable connection to the base plate of the tracker.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.