This 2 piece clamping collar can be be customized in F360 to a wide range of dimensions. The geometry is tied to parameters for easy modification to suit the job at hand. It is made of two symmetric halves, so once you save the STL, be sure to add two to the print bed in the following orientation. This will put the nut pockets on the same side and will align the two sices facing the bed so the collar will have a consistent finish/texture on each side.
All pictures are printed with PETG using 3mm cap screws and 3mm square nuts. The parameters can be changed to suit other hardware size, but 3mm is about the most compact size that is still reasonably easy to find, so larger hardware will drive up the minimum size of the collars.
Parameters Screen in F360
Here is an overview of the parameters in order of which ones will be changed most often.
ID: This is the inside diameter of the clamp collar and will be sized based off the desired use.
OD: The outside diameter is a personal preference depending on the use. There is and ODlimit parameter that will over ride the input if the OD input is too small compared to the ID to allow room for the hardware.
Thickness: This is the thickness of the collar, which will be dictated by use and by the hardware size used.
Nut Offset: This will be a user preference, but will adjust how far the pocket for the square nuts are from the edge where the two halves of the collar mate.
GapBetween: This is an offset from the true center line. As this number is increased, the clearance around the nominal shaft will increase to allow for more or less clamping force. Double the GapBetween number would be the theoretical gap between the two clamp halves when tightened around the shaft.
NutWidth, NutThickness, and BoltHeadCounterbore, BoltDiameter: This will be driven by the hardware size used. The default file is set up for 3mm hardware.
Bolt_Length_Required_Calculation: This is for your reference only and will compute the required minimum bolt length based off the other parameters. This can allow you to modify other parameters to tune the design to a bolt length on hand rather than having to cut hardware to length.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.