11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver

A prop I found on thingiverse that was deleted and I modified.
updated January 3, 2024



Advice for anyone printing the screw bulb: 105% scale for the bulb and 99% scale for the shaft. Then use silicon grease. Fits great.

Came out well. This was my first time painting a model like this. I wish there was a part for without the button hole (or at least some info about what type of button will fit). Info about the elastics for the jaws and number times to print each part would have been nice too.

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@RoeiWeingarte_311885 I'm already intending to make another one. I want to try and get some circuitry for sound effects, and an LED to fit. If you could consider those in a mk2 that would be amazing. I'll also let you know if I find anything that works well enough with small modifications. But threads for the copper end cap will be needed to change out the battery for sure (which I was planning to mod in).

I also noticed that with 99% scale of the core-threaded that it was too lose to hold itself open. So, maybe 106% on the bulb instead. Or, I was thinking a rubber o-ring in the end of the mainbody with a little groove to hold it.

The threaded bulb broke off after I dropped it last night. And then, still trying to use it I flicked it open and the cage flew off and snapped a piece off. I don't think there is anything that can be done to make those stronger, but it's good to know the weak points.

Thank you for preparing this model - it was the must have prop for the 11th Doctor cosplay!

I must admit, it was quite exhaustive to complete all the parts - some of them wasn't simple to print - due to PETG's thermal wrap i needed to resize parts by 1-5% for achieving better tolerances.

I used Fiberlogy Easy PETG Transparent Light Green to print all greenish parts, which were later painted with dark green acryl paint. It is worth noticing that the "main part" needs to be painted in brown in two locations.

Black, white and brown parts were printed with Devil Design PETG. Gray details were printed with Rosa3D PETG.

All brown parts and the white holding were also painted with adequate acrylic paints.

The micro-switch has been added as a placeholder - it does nothing. Everything was assembled and welded together with the hot glue. The gray hinges are hold together by a paper clip - don't even bother to print plastic bolts for this model.

Awesome model!

Printed Bulb, Core, and Body with Prusament PETG Neon
Printed silver parts in Prusament PLA Galaxy Silver
Printed handle parts in Prusament PLA Jet Black

On the clear neon parts, used "random" seam pattern to get an almost "sparkle" effect.

Painted black and white with Flat finish primers, and clear coat with flat matte.

Painted copper parts with copper paint, masked off the "bulb" parts of the body to get the transparency to show through.

On copper Painted parts, Neon, and Silver, used high gloss clear coat.

Originally tried to print the threaded core and bulb, but fit was too tight.

@officialdark_1442371 looks great! What did you use to extend the claws? I used small rubber bands on mine and found that they don't last very long and it's impossible to take apart without the threaded assembly 😕

@RoeiWeingarte_311885 i used small hair elastics - I dont exprct them to last forever, whenever they wear out i plan on cutting off the bulb and reprinting it. Looking into springs for the inevitable replacement, I will post and update whenever that happens.

Is it my printer or is the screw bulb way too tight to fit?

@MadJackalope_268290 it's very possible, I never got to test fit it. Unfortunately I don't really know when I'll be able to, as I'm away from my setup and not available to work on it. I'll be sure to reply to you again when I fix it though!

@RoeiWeingarte_311885 I know Im late, but it is too tight, Im reprinting it at %102 size. I'll update when it finishes.
Edit #1. %102 size still is too small. Trying %105 now.
Edit #2 %105 is STILL too small. Trying %108... (edited)

Hello, it seems that one piece is missing. How to lock the screwdriver please?

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@Diadm_816002 That's meant for a micro switch. you can cover it or put a dummy button

@RoeiWeingarte_311885 Okay thank you for this information. Awesome model :)

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