Magnetic Purge Bucket logo for the Bambu Lab X1

Nice and funny drawing for on your BBL purge bucket. (Credits to the original designers in the remix links!)
updated May 16, 2023



I created the cutout of these logo's for myself from two existing models because I really wanted to combine them, but after posting my make on the original designer page below, I got several requests for the files.

So instead of sending them via pm each time, I thought it would be easier to just post a ‘remix’ of this purge bucket, which is in fact more like a ‘add-on’ in this case.

When downloading and printing these files, please got to the two designer links below as well, click the like button and download their models, so they get the proper recognition.
They designed the drawings, I just extracted them, so they earn the credits.

Purge bucket & Bambu Lab logo designer (of the model I glued the logo's on):

Poop logo designer:

They're separate logos that you have to glue on the model.

I made a 'mal' (jig/guide) for the 'purge poop' logo print, which you can slide in place over the bucket after you print it. Then just glue the printed logo parts and place/press them into the ‘mal’ (jig/guide) and onto the bucket in the correct location.

After all is glued, you can remove that mal/jig/guide (not sure how you call this).
Be careful not to get glue on the mal/jig/guide!

The Bambu logo is easy to glue in place, as the original bucket has the impressed logo in the model. You just have to glue the separate parts of the logo into the correct locations of these impressions.

Btw, I find that putting a drop of ‘second’ glue on the surface of the part while holding it with pointed tweezers and then distributing it with a q-tip over that part, works best in avoiding glue being pressed from under that part when put in place, and getting glue on other parts or on the mal/jig/guide (in this case).
Distributing it with a q-tip creates a thin film/layer of blue on the object that can't easily spill all over the place like a drop.

PS: in case you're wondering, the build plate holder is from this designer:

and the dampening feet (which work very well!) are from this designer:



Model origin

The author remixed this model.
