Kontax 3D Printed Stirling Engine

A 3D printed low Temperature Stirling Engine you can run on your print bed!
12h 0m
2× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
133.00 g
12 k
updated November 29, 2020



Very communicative and apologetic about a delayed order that held up by US customs. Very professional in terms of customer service and product. Strongly recommended!!!

@rbm_1421289 Just emailed you. I think it is due to weather coniditions (storms) and the LA fires. I've ask courier for an update.

Worked great from the start, amazing kit!

Printed with PLA, took a lot of reprinting to ensure that all components were airtight, however after a set of clean prints and replacing the foam gasket with a rubber o-ring the engine runs very smoothly.
Reccommendations for anyone struggling to get it airtight:
1. Double check that none of the o-rings split when insterted (the o-ring around the acrylic tube had broken during one of my attempts)
2. Print slower, hotter and try to increase flow to ensure all gaps in the model are filled.
3. If you do break an o-ring or the foam gasket isnt working for you,
- 2mm*12mm bore (Around acrylic tube)
- 2mm*7mm bore (Around brass tube)
- 2.5*73mm bore (O-ring that works instead of gasket)

Runs great! Printed out of ASA.

but is it better if the bottom part is printed with PETG since it will deal with higher temp if used on a mug with hot water?

This is freaking awesome. Thank you for sharing!

I purchased the kit of parts from Kontax (about $35; https://www.stirlingengine.co.uk/d.asp?product=LT3D_KIT#changecurrency).

I printed the chamber pieces and the wheel on my MK3S+ with Prusament White PLA. Note: I ended up printing the base that sits on the heated bed with Overture Clear PETG as I heated the bed up too much initially and warped the PLA.

Instructions are very detailed, parts are nice, the little engine works great. You might want to add the suggested top/bottom layer and perimeter settings to the 3mf files though.

Thanks for the pointer, I will fix that.

@Chris_35215 You should be able to add different settings for each object. I have not tried to print all at once though :)

Both the kit from Kontax and the instructions are high quality. It's a pure joy to assemble and feels like you're building a simple little watch. A unique print/kit with a great fun-to-cost ratio! I'd highly recommend!

Packaging and instructions are well done, the print quality with the purse mini is good but it just doesn't work... I lost 25£

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I'm sorry you're still having trouble.

If the piston still fell like a stone after reprinting the base then there is still a leak. It can only be the red O rings or the neoprene gasket.

If your first layer is not perfect then it's possible air is escaping through the between the lines.

Did the piston still fall after the silicone? (edited)

The first layers are fine. The piston was still falling like a stone after silicon so I decided to print the parts for the 3rd time. Unfortunately the glass tube broke when I tried to remove it, so end of the game for me :-(

Nice model and great kit. The packaging and manual are well done. I built this with my son. It’s been running for several hours on the print bed. He’s mesmerized.