Tarmo5 is a great project by Engineering Nonsense.
→ this model was originaly posted here : https://www.printables.com/fr/model/424220-tarmo5-mods-reinforce-all-the-frequently-breaking- but I decided to split it in 2 pages as it was too long to read. So all the comments are on the other page.
The wing and body
→ updated on 2023/04/23: added GEARBOX_w-SKULL_-_B02 reinforced (see bellow)
→ updated on 2023/03/21
The wing was originaly published by cleosynthesis in Tarmo4 rear wing, body cover and body/wing holder. I designed 3 different ways to attach it to the tarmo5 so you can choose how you want to attached the wing:
In my pictures: red wing holder= v1, gray wing holder= v2 integrated to gearbox, black TPU holder = v3
If you read this page for the first time, you can directly jump to V3 section below.
V1 :
The skull was initialy published by flyntm (see remixed). I use his parts to attach the skull.
I designed Wing_holder v1 to attach the wing. Just attach it to the "shock mount A01" replacing the 3 M4 screws by longer ones.
Files to use
V2 :
Why this new design? I added a back bumper designed by flyntm in Tarmo5 Enclosed Gearbox. If you also want to use the back bumper, you will need (from flyntm's page) :
And from this page:
My wing was longer behind than the back bumper. So needed to move the wing forward in order to be protected by the bumper in case of back collision. I also moved the wing a bit down, I think it looks nicer.
In this design the GEARBOX is modified to hold the skull and the wing.
V3 → added on 2023/03/21
Why this new design? my son just crashed the car full speed on a concrete wall. And the car frequently finished its course upside down.
The car is very strong so the structure is fine. Damages parts: wing holder, skull front holder, skull. I temporarly repaired with epoxy and a piece of metal inside the broken wing holder. I also added a spring, a washer and a longer screw to the front attach of the skull but I was not really satisfied. When the car crashed upside down I need more flexibility to protect the skull and also if one of the attach point breaks, I want to just replace the piece without having to disassemble the whole car. So I decided to separate the holder from the car structure. The first on beeing in TPU for flexibility and skull protection, and the second in PLA.
Files to use:
I'm very satisfied with the result. I came back to the gearbox from flyntm and designed a TPU holder coming on top and attached with the 3 screws of the back SHOCK MOUNT (replaced with 50mm M4 screws).
In front I modified the END CHASSIS B05 to add 2 holes for M3 screws on the sides to firmly maintain my TPU holder additionaly to 3 longer M4 screws for the front SHOCK MOUNT.
I use M3 metal insert in the TPU for the front skull attach.
See the pictures (my TPU is black). The result is flexible (TPU print with 2 walls, 10% infill), stonger and modular, so in case of broken piece, it's very easy to replace.
→ in the comments of my original page @summons shows nice pictures of his TPU print of this body. That's a great idea and it seems to work perfectly. However as my son never managed to break the body printed in basic PLA I did not try it.
Added on 23/04/22 :
My kids broke many times the front part of the skull and I published a reinforced version here :
I also broke the GEARBOX_w-SKULL that is used in v1 and v3 to attach the skull to the TARMO5. The walls on the sides of the 3 bolts that hold the 35cm rods are very thins and broke. The version attached here is reinforced. You can find a .stl with reinforcement very small but enough if you print with many walls.
I also included a .3mf file where I add many perimeters and infill in the weak parts. If you use directly the .stl file, please take care to add 8 walls in the weak part.
My 3 sons ofter destroy things and I use my printer every day. It gives me the chance to test new printing settings and compare everyday small changes on the settings.
As I was asked to, I share my conclusions and prusa slicer settings at the end of this page:
The author remixed this model.