USR - Universal Spool Rail MK1 (e.g. for IKEA LACK) incl. filament garage and passtrough

One rail to rule them all... Many combinations, no rewind required, front loading and tag plates for ~8 spools*..
updated June 30, 2024



This model has been retired and only serves as a template for interested parties!


Have you ever wanted to have your favorite filaments always on hand for manual multi-color printing or even for easy and quick loading?

Are you tired, like me, of rewinding filament onto the spool after every change?

How about a pass through from the top and NOT from behind of your IKEA LACK enclosure?

Update 08.06.2023:

Some parts were separated due to licensing of some original parts and my upcoming USR MK2



  • One rail, many combinations
  • Adding/removing/adjusting spool width is a snap, no tools required
  • Filament is loaded from the front
  • Identification labels/tags for numbers/text or QR (useful for Octoprint spool manager), change them as you like
  • PTFE feedthrough from top to inside
  • Optional nuts for use with PC4M10 
  • No rewinding after manual color change
  • More addons will follow…


Addons and separated parts:

  • Guide block numbers → link
  • Rail support for "USR - Universal Spool Rail" (MK1/MK2) → link
    • Single slider
    • Different end parts for this version and the upcomming MK2
    • Dual slider (save some space and material)
  • PTFE Clips → link 
  • Tag plates with paper insert → link



  • I used PLA


  • I printed all parts with 15% infill

Quality and support: 

  • All parts can be printed with 0.3mm layer height AND without support (correct alignment presupposed)
  • Only the PC4M10 plate should be printed with 0.2mm layer height and needs minimal support  
  • For the correct print alignment look at the 3mf files

Tag plates: 

  • The tag plates can be removed/changed
  • I have uploaded some examples for numbers 
  • Use color change for better readability


Bill of material (Rail):

With my setup I can theoretically use up to 7 smaller spools. However, there are 8 passes for 8 spools and all of them should be usable with longer rods.

I used 50cm rods as I need some more space for my next project

  • 4x 608zz ball bearings per spool
  • 2x any kind of 8mm rods
  • 2x end parts
  • (spool count * 2) - (2 end parts) = number of sliders needed
  • Some wood screws
  • 1x PTFE feeder per spool 
  • Required tag plates

Set up the sliders:

  • make sure the holes in the sliders are clean so they will move smoothly
  • sanding the bottom of the sliders can help if they tend to get stuck
  • put the rods in the end pieces, mark the holes and screw them down tightly
  • put the required number of ball bearings on the rods 
  • start with one of the end pieces and put the bearings in it
  • take a slider and do the same thing
  • move the slider towards the first end part
  • repeat with the next slider until all bearings and sliders are mounted
  • push the last bearings into the other end part

Drill the roof hole:

  • From the inside of your enclosure, use the back plate to mark the passes for PTFE tubes AND the screws for the back plate
  • Make sure you are as far back as possible
  • Drill a hole for each of 4 PTFE passes so you can arrange the back plate at the other side 
  • Now orient yourself to the drilled holes to do the same on the other side
  • Using a cutter, cut a rectangle on both sides as large as all 4 passes and remove the 
  • paper support from the inside

*Don't be irritated by the many holes on the picture. I experimented a lot until i came to this solution


Bill of material (guide block):

  • 4x PTFE guides
  • 1x back plate
  • 1x front plate
  • 1x PC4M10 plate
  • 2x M3 screws
  • 2x M3 Nuts






Assembling the guide block:

  • Push two nuts into the front plate
  • Use a 4mm drill bit and clean out all holes of each PTFE Guide
  • Press each PTFE guide into the PC4M10 plate to make sure they fit
  • They may fit very tightly, but with a little force you will be successful
  • Now remove them all
  • Use two M3 screws and screw the PC4M10 plate to the front plate
  • Repeat the process, but this time push them through the front plate first
  • Place the back plate on the table 
  • Insert the outermost end of the guides into the back plate with an angle of 45°
  • Now push the guides into the horizontal position
  • This also requires some force, but makes sure that all parts stay in place
  • Now you can use some glue for safety and stick the guides to the back plate
  • Make sure you can push a tube trough all the holes with very little force


Set up PTFE tubes:

  • start from the inside of the enclosure, it makes life easier ;)
  • check the length you need between the nozzle and the guide block
  • push one PTFE tube after the other through the guides
  • make sure they are all at the right length to reach the nozzle without too tight a radius
  • push all the tubes through the roof hole and screw the guide block tight
  • now push the tubes through the guides in the other guide block, but cross them per column (inner/outer holes on each guide) to accomplish this:
  • this will make further assembly much easier, as visually one tube will always be on the same hole on both guide blocks
  • make sure there is a distance of about 15 cm between the roof hole and the guide block. This helps to push all pipes through the guide block more easily.
  • Now pull back the guide block while holding all the tubes from inside, so they can not move
  • If you are unsuccessful, try one after the other
    • Hold one end inside
    • Push the guide block back a few cm
    • Try next tube
  • DO NOT use too much force and do not damage the tubes!
  • Screw the guide block tight
  • Finally, push each tube from both sides so that the tube gets a small belly between the guide blocks


Installing the feeders

  • Slide a PTFE tube under the rods and push it into a feeder
  • The PTFE tube should not be too loose. Use an M3 bolt and nut to secure the tube, if necessary and do not squeeze it!
  • Now turn the feeder to the horizontal position, place it under the rods and turn it upwards

  • Tags can be removed/changed

Change filament:

  • Eject the old filament
  • Cut off the end as you always do 
  • You don't need to rewind the filament, just slide it into a free slot in the filament garage 
  • Pull the desired filament out of the garage and load it
  • Print



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Used the model to design passtroughs
