Designed to fit Dyoramic's LEGO Style Lightsaber scaled to 187.87% to be compatible with Julia Ebert's Mega Lego-like Skeleton (10:1 scale)
I modified the Dyoramic's lightsaber blade to be made of multiple pieces to allow easy scaling and to fit my printer. Print the files as is for a 10:1 LEGO scale lightsaber. I printed extra middle pieces so that the lightsaber would be in closer to scale for my child. When assembled the entire lightsaber blade should be comprised of (4) 0.6mm or (6) 0.4mm walls to provide even outside illumination. The blade is held together by friction.
The lightsaber blade light holder can also be printed as is for a 10:1 LEGO scale lightsaber. As with the outside blade I printed an extra middle piece. This assembly requires glue to be held together.
Dyoramic's LEGO lightsaber blade bottom when scaled fit a fuelrod USB powerbank that I had on hand with some wiggle room. If a different powerbank is used the inside hole may need to be modified.
I used this 5V USB light strip from Amazon, but any 5V LED tape light should work. I cut the strip into sections to fit the light holder. Ensure proper orientation is maintained, I worked with the strips (1) section at a time. Connect each strip in series and assemble. Ignore my terrible soldering job.
This model was designed around and printed with a 0.6mm nozzle and 0.32mm layer height.
Design is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by LEGO or the Star Wars franchise.
The author remixed this model.