training figure ghost

This model is of a ghost that is 13 cm x 6 cm. No assembly is required for this model. The model is used as a name tag
updated April 28, 2023



The Objective:

This model's objective is to bring a portable ghost that has your initials.

it is very thin so it is able to fit anywhere you bring it.

This ghost can be used as some type of name tag

Design Process:

first, our team measured and marked up all measurements of the exemplar ghost. then we doubled the size to make it easier to do in Solidworks.  

Then we made instructions on how to make the ghost. our first revisions of the instructions were not as good as our final revisions. 

when we got into solids works the first thing we did was create a rectangle on the origin 13 cm by 6 cm.






our next step was to make the eyes. these are the steps we took to make them.

  • Create a circle in the middle
  • The smart dimension that circles to have a diameter of 1.2 cm
  • Smart dimension the circle to be 1.7 cm from the left side of the rectangle 
  • Then smart dimension the circle to be 2.86 cm from the top of the rectangle
  • Then mirror the eye to the other side






Our next step was to make the mouth.  We found making the mouth to be the most difficult part of making the ghost. through many revisions, we found the steps to most accurately create the mouth. these are the steps used to create the mouth. Draw a vertical line down anywhere on the left side of the constraint box

  • The smart dimension lines to be 1.2 cm from the left side.
  • Then smart dimension the line to be 4.91 cm from the top of the constraint box
  • Then smart dimension the line to be 4.7 cm in length
  • Now draw a lien from the bottom of the previous line until it touches the middle of the constraint box
  • Now smart dimension that lines to be 1.7 cm from the bottom of the rectangle
  • Mirror both entities onto the other side
  • Now select all 4 lines then offset entities.
  • Check off the arc caps box and make sure the reverse box is checked then make sure it is .6 cm










The last two steps were creating the triangles and the half circles.

these both go hand in hand. we did them both in a similar manner. here are the steps that we took to get there. 


  • Now draw a line from the side of the bottom left corner of the rectangle to the bottom of the rectangle
  • Now smart dimension the line 1 cm from the bottom of the rectangle 
  • Then smart dimension the line to be 1.42 cm in length 
  • Now make two lines going off of the other line until you hit the middle of the rectangle
  • Then you make all lines equal to each other. 
  • Then you mirror entities over the middle of the line

Half circles

  • Down 1.5 cm from the top left make a point .75 cm to the right
  • Make an arc from the top left down .5 cm to the point we just made.
  • Then make an arc from the previous point down 1.5 cm to the right.
  • Make another point up .5 cm and to the right .75 cm


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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