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Improved Wasp Bottle Traps

A stronger and hangable remix of Mistertech's wasp traps
updated May 3, 2023



Thanks for the files! I have a suggestion - The screw eye is an extra part. Would seem to be better to make a couple holes so it would be easy to pass a string or wire through for hanging. Using a screw eye is over complicated IMHO. Another version of this has an included but separate part plastic hook - also un-neccessary. Just make it easy to hang with string or wire.

Nice gadget, ASA, 0,4 0,15 layer (edited)

Very nice, do you have the source data please?

Some errors in the STL files that had to be closed by the slicer. Seems to be fine otherwise. Used string through the hole instead of eye screw.

@ShopMonkeyEngi_44771 do you mind sharing where the errors are and what slicer you were using? Cura doesnt show anything.

@Ghostguy6_662558 I would have to reload the file to find them. I used Prusaslicer 2.8.0 and it flagged the stl for errors .

Nice fit. PLA+ with .4 nozzle, .2 layer height. Let's catch some wasps

quite a tight fit on this bottle, the gussets are well needed when trying to tighten it on.
looks functional we'll see how it does with the flies

It fits perfectly on my bottles. Thanks for the nice design!

Thanks for sharing! I hope it will help a lot when the wasp season is starting here...

@tfhh Thanks for the make. I hope they work out well for you.

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