We had some drawers in our office that could do with some form of organisation-system. So, after careful measuring and some calculating, I came up with a good ratio for storage as well as printability. I had some iterations in the design and finaly came to this system.
For us the best size for a unit was 90 mm (height 50mm). That means there is a nice storage space available in even the smallest size (1 x 1 -> 90 mm x 90 mm x 50 mm), you can print a nice set at once on a Prusa i3 MkIII (up to max 2.5 x 2, 4 x 1 x 1, 2 x 1 x 2 or that sort of thing) and it fit the drawer with the least ammount of unused (unboxed) space possible.
In order to optimize for printing I designed with walls of 1.2 mm.
All of these are parameters that can be changed in the Fusion 360 archive (if you would want to). There is also a small ridge just below the top to be easily extractable (all you need to do is grab one of the walls and pull it up as the ridge gives you a nice hold).
The Sizes I designed are (in units):
Enjoy and please ... show me what you've done with them.
The best result I got using 0.2 mm layer height. I printed most of my boxes at 0.3 mm (draft) however for speed.
The 1x2.5 high box bulged some with my settings but as I was using PLA it was flexible enough to get into its assigned space without any issues.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.