forkLIFT MK1 CoreXY 3D Printer

A very reliable DIY 3D printer based on the same hardware of the mighty Hypercube Evolution.
updated June 9, 2023



Facebook discussion group!

This is a project made with Token47 I would like that Thingiverse could allow multiple owners of a thing :D

The main principles guiding the design of this printer:

  • Be a platform for multi-tool development
  • Easy to print - no supports needed! No aggressive overhangs or bridges!
  • Components designed as best as possible to avoid fatigue and weakness due to layer adhesion.
  • De parts should be resilient to common printing errors like too smashed first layers, etc. If not net me know!
  • All motors outside the printer chamber! This render a free access from the front and no issues with chamber heating the motors.
  • Belt tension at motor mounts. Easy to adjust and not prone to loose adjustment due to vibration.
  • Very versatile X carriage! Just swap the "Plates 42" to whatever you want, from your legacy printer head to lasers! Also designed with tool changing in mind.
  • Maintainability! All axis, bearings, etc. removable without touching the belts! All screws accessible.
  • Easy to close the printer as components have a good clearance from the outer plane of the frame. Even with 3030R extrusions!
  • Simple Z alignment: integrated parts!
  • Good looking! (This is open to debate :D )

The original concept is to have the full CoreXY gantry moving along Z, with a mechanism of counterweight to compensate the weight.

But for now I would like to use all the hardware I have from my Hypercube Evolution :D

The X carriage is very versatile! You can put your too to any side, use it upside down, and one of the main features is that it have enough space for a small step motor for tool changing or other uses you would like. This space can be used fot hot swap plugs, servos, sensors... whatever :D

Facebook discussion group!

The size limits for this design - without modifications - are:

Minimal heatbed screw holes distance: 209mm

Maximum heatbed screw holes distance: 330mm

The bed can be up to 15mm bigger than those lenghs on the X (i.e. 335mm for a 320mm holes distance).

For the Z you need to measure the distance between your floor and ceiling and substract something like 300mm - :D Just kidding. I am not sure how long the Z can be before it became wobbly...

CHECK FOR UPDATES BELOW! The coreXY part is already tested and working nicely!*Z still a work in progress*. Working with more instructions for every assembled part. Working on final BOM with all nuts and screws. Working on spreadsheet to calculate sizing, etc.

Please be kind, this is my >first< 3d printer :D

Print Settings


Hypercube Evolution









Filament: 3DOn ABS

Atlantis Blue


Designed with 0.2mm layer height and 0.4mm nozzle in mind. So expect thinner walls to be multiples of 0.4mm.

Perimeters: 3

Top and bottom layers: 5

Rectilinear Infill 50% (or other stiff of your choice)

All parts are to be printed without supports and at the STL file orientation.


You can print all those parts as the standard recommendation above but these parts were designed to be printed with 0% infill and 5 perimeters. These are the parts to be printed hollow:

  • forkLIFT heatBed Double Barreled - Bofur
  • forkLIFT ZIntegrated - Motor Mount
  • forkLIFT ZIntegrated Top - Axis Mount

Pay attention with the screw holes bridge caps - sometimes depending on your first layer height settings, the slicer may ignore them. Always check every layer before printing.

Assembly Instructions

Idler Mounts and Y Axies

Lista de peças:


8x M3x30mm

8x M3x12mm

16x M3 Nuts

12x F623 Bearing




Y Carriage

Does your Y Carriage looks like a mean toy tank?





Motor Mounts



X Carriage

Instructions soon!



Z Block and bed frame

Work in progress!!! Instructions soon. Parts already published!


Work in progress. You can use your original Hypercube Evolution's frame!

Bill of Materials

Printed Parts

  • 8x forkLIFT heatBed Bearing - Clamp
  • 2x forkLIFT heatBed Double Barreled - Bofur (choose your size!)
  • 2x forkLIFT heatBed Locomotive Nuts - Clamp
  • 4x forkLIFT heatBed mean - Bracket (choose your size!)
  • 4x forkLIFT heatBed SEPField - Knob
  • 2x forkLIFT idlerMount Front - A
  • 2x forkLIFT idlerMount Main - A
  • 4x forkLIFT idlerMount Main - B
  • 2x forkLIFT idlerMount - Spacer
  • 4x forkLIFT idlerMount Y Axis - Clamp
  • 2x forkLIFT motorMount - Bold
  • 2x forkLIFT motorMount GCU Grey Area - Meat Fu….
  • 1x forkLIFT motorMount Main - Chassis X
  • 1x forkLIFT motorMount Main - Chassis Y
  • 1x forkLIFT Plate42 BFPTouch (If you are going to use)
  • 1x forkLIFT Plate42 HCE (To use your current Hypercube Evolution tool!)
  • 1x forkLIFT XCarriage A
  • 2x forkLIFT XCarriage Belt - Clamp
  • 1x forkLIFT XCarriage B
  • 2x forkLIFT YCarriage - Body V13.stl
  • 2x forkLIFT YCarriage X Axis Clamp - B V13.stl
  • 2x forkLIFT YCarriage X Axis Clamp - A V13.stl
  • 4x forkLIFT YCarriage Bearing - Clamp V13.stl
  • 8x forkLIFT ZIntegrated - Clamp
  • 2x forkLIFT ZIntegrated - Motor Mount
  • 2x forkLIFT ZIntegrated Top - Axis Mount



  • 4m GATES-LL-2GT-6mm Timing Belt
  • 4x Nema 17
  • 2x GT2 20T 5mm Bore Timing Belt Pulley
  • 2x Elastic Coupler 5x8
  • 2x TR8 leadscrews
  • 2x T8 Antibacklash Nuts


  • 28x F623 Pairs (56x total)
  • 3x LM8UU
  • 8x LM12UU
  • 2x LM10LUU

Screw, nuts and washers (STILL COUNTING.... BUY MORE OF EACH!)

  • 12x M3x8
  • 37x M3x10
  • 32x M3x12 
  • 40x M3x16
  • 2x M3x25
  • 13x M3x30
  • 12x M3 Plain Washer
  • 117x M3 Nuts
  • 46x M5x10
  • 46x M5 T-nuts (3030 and 2020 compatible)
  • 4x 3mm Pins (Hypercube Evolution Pins if using HEVO tools) 


Todo list!

  • Create a better BOM
  • Finish instructions for all partes
  • Design a basic E3DV6 fixed tool head
  • Finish the Tool changer design
  • Please help to populate this list!

V13 First Full Release 16/10/2018

  • Added Z axis and heatBed Chassis parts
  • Organized the nomenclature so it is easier to print bundles of parts.
  • Adding all standard hardware to CAD drawing to create a full and Reliable BOM
  • Added a STP file for the Plate42 so you can mod it to fit your current tool.

ATTENTION! ALL FILES WHERE REUPLOADED. The CoreXY group was not modified but the nomenclature of some parts was changed.

Category: 3D Printers


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
