This is a stock drop in alternative (I'm hesitate to say upgrade) for the stock fan ducts on the AnkerMake M5. The aim of this was to mor evenly distribute airflow around the nozzle and I think we accomplished that here. I don't think it made a big difference to cooling performance in the end, but my resin tester has said that it marginally reduces the air noise. I'm intersted in community feedback, and happy to continue iteration.
These models were designed with resin printing in mind and can be printed completely without supports. Just orient them so the bottom of the duck is against the build plate and it should print just fine with the optimal settings for your printer.
Physical resin viability testing was done by Vashis and CFD testing done by Tenson_UK, both of whom are from the AnkerMake Community Discord. Thanks guys, I couldn't have done this without your help!
CFD Testing:
OnShape CAD Link:
The author marked this model as their own original creation.