High quality scan of a small Ganesha statue from Ahmedabad, India. The Lord of Beginnings, to celebrate PrusaPrinters new model-sharing community platform :)
This model should print well on any desktop printer. It is hollowed out a little bit inside, so doesn't use that much filament.
Read about how we scanned this model at Hacktastic: 3D Scanning Works, If You’ve Got the $$$.
You can also order a printed model of this design from our Shapeways shop: Lord Ganesha Statue.
This model updates our previous lumpy scan.
Twitter: twitter.com/mathgrrl
Hacktastic blog: www.mathgrrl.com/hacktastic
Shapeways geekhaus store: www.shapeways.com/shops/mathgrrl
This design has a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license, which means that you can print, remix, and use this model with design credit to mathgrrl, but if you want to sell something then you should ask first, at [email protected].
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.