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Beautiful Woven Basket in 142 Sizes.

A beautiful woven basket in 142 different sizes. Diameters.
17h 48m
3× print file
0.20 mm
0.25 mm
0.40 mm
0.60 mm
116.00 g
updated May 1, 2023



This is my design of a woven basket. It requires no supports for printing.


How to Print the Basket

A Prusa Slicer example project, LR2316-… Print.3mf, is available with all recommended settings. Feel free to use this, or refer to the table below:

Orientation:Basked base on printer bed.
Nozzle Size:0.4mm recommended (0.6mm or 0.8mm may work)
Layer Height:0.2mm or matching for nozzle size
Filament Materials:PLA recommended
Perimeters:2 perimeters
Prusa Slicer Profile:"0.2mm Quality"

Common Quality Issues

Due to the thin structures of this basket, you might encounter various issues depending on the filament and printer used:

  • Stringing: This common problem typically occurs when the print temperature is too high, the filament has absorbed moisture, or the retraction length/speed is too low. Search online for the appropriate solution tailored to your printer. If you only notice stringing without any other visible defects, carefully use a heat gun in very short bursts to remove the strings after printing.
  • Deformations: This model may be susceptible to deformations, particularly when using shiny filaments that tend to warp. To address this issue, try reducing the print speed to 50%. This adjustment often resolves such problems.


The filename has the format:

LR2316-H<height>-D<outer diameter>-B<base diameter>.3mf

Height (H)

The value after the letter H is the height in millimetres. The value is rounded, as you have to add 0.6mm to the total height of the final print.

Outer Diameter (D)

The value after the letter D is the outer diameter of the upper rim of the basket in millimetres.

Base Diameter (B)

The value after the letter B is the diameter of the base of the basket in millimetres.

Base Angle

In the catalogue you also find the base angle for each basket. This angle defines the most extreme overhang of the model. The design limits this angle to 45º, that should be easily printable with every 3D printer. For even better results, chose a model with a steeper angle, around 50º.

About the Print in the Photos and the Video

The basket you see in the photos and the video is printed on an Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ using one of 3DJake's magicPLA filament.

It is the model LR2316-H080-D200-B100.

More Details in the Catalogue

The catalogue PDF also contains helpful information, such as lookup tables and illustrations for each basket. You find the PDF in the files section.

Additional Designs


I hope this design adds a touch of beauty to your home. If you enjoy it, please rate it and upload photos of you print.

Happy Printing!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
