Dark Souls Mushroom Child Dice Tower

A Basic Dice Tower that is a Mushroom Child
83h 15m
1× print file
0.16 mm
0.40 mm
713.00 g
Creality Ender 3 Pro
updated April 9, 2023



I made this for a friend of mine who really likes the mushroom child from dark souls. As far as dice towers go, it's really basic, but it's the party of the party. 

The model itself will need to be resized manually in your slicer to fit what ever dice you need it to and/or your print bed. I sized mine pictured above to fit the entire build plate of my Ender 3 pro. 

The included g code is made for Silk PLA, so you will need to slice the model for regular PLA or other filament if that's what you are using. I would recommend printing it upside down to waste less filament on supports. The filament in the photo is Overture Gold/Purple Silk PLA for anyone wondering.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Mushroom Child - Dark Souls
by Studly (cults3d.com)
