This design originated from Andre Alforque on Thingiverse. This remix is reshared under the Creative Commons Public Domain license, if you decide to mass produce and sell this please be nice and link people back here if a customer asks for the model. Thank you!
Andre's design is simple and great, but I wanted to use a magnetic USB cable, sort of as a quick dock, with a press fit for the end of the cable. I've enlarged the model just enough to make it easier to place in and pull out the whole case. Additionally I covered up the front cable channel and added one under it so the cable is completely hidden.
The cable I used (and what the slot is specifically press fit sized for) is the Digital Ant Gen-X Micro USB + USB-C/Type-C 2 in 1 Nylon Braided Magnetic Charging Cable. The end of the cable is 6.4 mm by 11.3 mm, however you can totally use whatever other cable you want just modify the model as needed. If you don't get a press fit, try little dab of glue.
Prints with zero supports. If you have little sticky rubber feet, I recommend them. I don't know if this will fit the Pixel Buds Gen 2,. It will however not if the Pixel Buds Pro, but there's nothing stopping you from finding a model of the Pro case and using it as negative space to widen the cavity appropriately, great creative!
The author remixed this model.