Taktický grip na zbraň.
Jsou 2 verze, normální (balls) a zesílené ballsstrong. původní grip se zlomil v ris liště, proto je i zesílená verze + verze z dírou, pokud by jste to chtěli zpevnit šroubem, vrutem, kulatinou.
Pokud to dáte na zbraň těžší jak 3kg, doporučuji ballsstrong
Tactical gun grip.
There are 2 versions, normal (balls) and reinforced ballsstrong. the original grip broke in the ris of the bar, that's why there is also a reinforced version + a version with a hole, if you would like to strengthen it with a screw, a screw, a log.
If you put it on a weapon heavier than 3kg, I recommend ballsstrong .
The author marked this model as their own original creation.