Tool Box for Prusa Tools (for adding upcoming XL or MK4)

Now XL and MK4 can come. I am prepared!
16 k
updated April 14, 2024



EDIT 21-Apr-2023: Added an Voron-Edition:

EDIT 20-Apr-2023: Added an Ender-Edition: 

EDIT 07-April-2023: Added a Bambu Lab-Edition:

IMPORTANT EDIT 03-April-2023: As the provided files resulted in a break of the rear hinges, I reworked the bottom and top part of the box, so I put the hinges 0.3/0.4mm each higher, which means less stress on the hinges. Those I renamed to so-and-so “GT-REVISED_…”. You will find those in the “Revised”-directory. The inner bottom plates are marked with a “GT"-indent. 
Good luck, Gregor.

I took MichalFanta's Cantilverbox and prepared it for a multicolor print on MK3S+ and MMU2s. In order to have less risk of failure, and didn't know where to go with the purgetower (without purgetower I failed), I redesigned the box that the Prusa text plate could by glues in after a perfect print. 

After printing main bottom and top part (Voron 2.4-340) I had to tune the 3mm holes. Unfortunately the rear holes broke, I could repair with some glue, but a bit more clearance could have avoided this. 

All in all a nice tool box, for the registers inside I am not decided yet. At least I am prepared for the upcoming new models of Prusa (MK4 and/or XL) spare parts.

Plates printed on a carbon surfaced build plate, result I feel is a 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. All printed in PLA, maybe box top and cover should be in PETG next time?

Thanks MichalFanta for the model.

I did not print the lateral handles nor the closing snappers on the sides. Would take me too long to open 6 snappers in total.

Explore my other Printables: 


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Several dimensions changed and logo plates added.
