Use vase mode. To make sure layers in top part of the egg overlaps, set extrusion width to 0.6 mm. Recommended layer height is 0.2 mm. Don't worry, your printer will make it just fine. No need to have special nozzle, 0.4 mm nozzle is just fine, just you may want to go little bit slower.
The goal is to print it fragile, i. e. with poor layer adhesion. This can be achieved via lowering print temperature. I had greatest success with silk filament printed with temperature 200°C, but you’ll need to experiment on your own.
Don't forget to add a toy inside the egg during printing. You can manualy pause print or insert Pause in certain layer height in Slicer, insert toy and the hit continue.
That’s it, happy printing and happy Easter!
Tiskněte ve vase módu. Doporučuji šířku extruze 0,6 mm a výšku vrstvy 0,2 mm. Tiskárna to zvládne i se základní 0,4mm tryskou.
Vejce musí být křehké, tzn. se špatnou přilnavostí vrstev, aby šlo snadno prasknout. Toho dosáhnete nízkou teplotou tisku; mě se osvědčilo tisknout ze silk filamentu teplotou 200°C, ale tady budete muset trochu zaexperimentovat.
Nezapomeňte během tisku vložit dovnitř hračku. Buď zapauzujte tisk ručně nebo využijte funkci Pause ve sliceru.
To je vše, ať to tiskne a veselé Velikonoce!
The author marked this model as their own original creation.