Yes, this PIG Flies and there is a video to prove it Click on link in description
In the contest Make It Fly
updated May 3, 2023



This is “Pork Chop” the famous flying pig and his buddies. 
This little piggie wanted to fly, he tried his prop belt, he parasailed, and he even strapped  the Rocket to his back. All methods worked but with too short of flight time and not enough time to catch on video for proof.

Piggie then started  to build a lifting platform (quad copter) from scratch but the avionics were too complex for his abilities and after his collection of parts and pieces, he realized that difficulty and cost to fly was way more than piggie expected and the time he had left for his flight window Was diminishing too quickly..

So this little piggie went to the market and found an ideal used lifting platform with the proper lift, to save his bacon.

 His back is open for his lines to be secured and the paperwad to retain the lines.

He started in this competition as When PIGS Fly… then he became a Parasailing Pig. He has been strapped to a rocket but video unavailable. Piggie aspires to being the first pig in space and to land on Mars. 

YES any PIG can fly  with a little help, determination … and the right technology 



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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