Euro shopping cart token key ring with a heart emblem indentation (on both sides).
Top and bottom edges have been rounded with 45° chamfers. Prints without supports.
Heart is designed to look slightly different on both sides since the under side has only a 45° chamfer to print nicely without supports, but top side heart indentation has a steeper angle to get a bit different visual effect. Back end (next to the hole for a key ring) has a small bump on top side for better grip if you use this without having it attached to a key ring.
Works nicely with dual color printing too if you e.g. print a few top and bottom layers with some other color and the layers in between with red (or whatever color you like).
Designed in Fusion 360.
F3D file available if you want to tweak the design.
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.