Philips Hue Bridge Cover

Found a great design for covering the bright LED light on the Philips Hue Bridge.
updated March 26, 2023


Found a great design for covering the bright LED light on the Philips Hue Bridge. On Printables there is already a great variety of design available for Hue bridges, so now adding this cover.

Printing instructions:

  • 0.2 mm layer height
  • No supports (print upside down)
  • Infill 10% or more
  • Minimum of 3 walls, top layers and bottoms
  • PLA+

Optional settings:

When adding 1 more top or bottom layer the surface will not contain any infill layers so this layer won't be visible and it will also block light better.


Model origin

The user re-uploaded this model. The user is not the original author of the model.

Philips Hue Bridge LED Cover
by Tronnic (
