Gridfinity is an awesome storage & organizer system that compartmentalizes your life into 42mm x 42mm squares. But the original design has some flaws - namely that the designs require gluing your magnets in place, and the magnet holes suffer from major bridging issues (meaning you have to clean them up with a knife before you can fit the magnets in). No more! This is a collection of thousands of Gridfinity bins and baseplates, all designed to pressure fit your magnets in place.
Key Features:
All magnet slots are designed to pressure fit the magnet in place. No glue required!
A massive amount of assorted bins are included - Every size from 1x1x1 to 7x7x7 are provided in many different configurations.
Modular pressure fit baseplates! Snap together the perfect size for your workspace, no glue or screws required!
All magnet slots have a space built in to easily wedge a screwdriver in to reclaim your magnets in the future. (In case you put them in the wrong way, or just want to replace the bin in the future.)
All designs minimize the amount of bridging droop that can occur from FDM printing. No cleanup of holes required!
What Is Gridfinity?
Check out the original video by the original inventor, Zack Freedman:
What's in the collection?
Modular - These are 1x1 baseplates that snap together with dovetail joints, and are the recommended baseplate to use if you're just getting started with Gridfinity, since you'll have room to expand in the future with a minimum of effort. Additionally, these use the least amount of filament, and are easier to print (a 30 min print of a single slot plate is less likely to warp and curl than a several hour long larger print).
There are many different versions that describe the dovetail slots on each edge. Male, Female, and Nothing (X). You can build any size grid you want with just the MMFF version, but if you want to have your edges look smooth, there are a variety of other designs to let you build the perfect grid to fit your specific needs. And if all else fails, there's a small standalone connector joint you can also print to join two female slots together.
Modular (Filled) - These are the same as the Modular baseplates, but let you use a lot more filament with a high infill print. This is useful when you need to weigh down your baseplates. For example, if you want to have a Gridfinity soldering iron stand, you probably don't want that tipping over because your bases are so light.
Grid - If you know a space will have a fixed dimension for your baseplate, you can print a single grid. Available sizes range from 1x1 to 7x7. Note that these do not have dovetail slots, since the extra corners would increase the chance of the baseplate warping during printing.
Grid (Filled) - The same as grid, but let you use a lot more filament with a high infill print. This is useful when you need to weigh down your baseplates. For example, if you want to have a Gridfinity soldering iron stand, you probably don't want that tipping over because your bases are so light.
Basic - As the name implies, these are the simplest bins. They're just a generic bucket to put stuff in. They range in size from 1x1 to 7x7, each with 7 different heights.
Scooped - These bins have a curve in the bottom edge, making it easier to scoop out small items. They range in size from 1x1 to 7x7, each with 7 different heights.
Label Tab - These bins have a tab sticking out of the top left corner. Because you're so organized you put labels on everything. They range in size from 1x1 to 7x7, each with 7 different heights.
Scooped & Label Tab - Combine both things in a single bin! This is great for labeling similar tiny components (M2 screws vs M3 screws, for example). They range in size from 1x1 to 7x7, each with 7 different heights.
Compartmented - These bins have built-in dividers of varying sizes. These can be great from when you have a bunch of smaller things that don't need to take up a full grid spot on their own. There are fewer (only about 100) compartmented bin variations compared to the other bin types, since these are generally used to hold smaller items.
Design Files - Want a custom bin that holds an object perfectly in place? These design files are a quick way to let you design cutout designs. Draw out your shape and extrude down to cut out from the filled in bin. Available in both .f3d and .step formats! (Remember to tag your creation with “gridfinitypressurefit” so others can find it!)
How do I press the magnets into place?
I use this magnet jig to hold the magnets in place so I can tap them in with a hammer. This jig is included in this project to make your life just a little bit easier.
Remember, you'll need two jigs: one for baseplates, and another for bins with the magnet in the opposite orientation.
My magnets don't fit! / The baseplates don't snap together!
Pressure fit designs do require a higher degree of accuracy. Here are some tips:
Make sure you're not suffering from elephant's foot. A squished bottom layer will make it hard to fit things in place.
Print at a slower speed, or with smaller layer heights. The faster you go, the greater the distortion.
Make sure your printer is as dialed in as possible for the filament you're using. The wrong temperatures and feed rates can cause warping, blobbing, or other issues.
I want to make my own designs.
Awesome! Please do, and share your designs that are built on this pressure fit framework with the rest of us! Tag them with “gridfinitypressurefit” so we can find them easier!
There are a couple ways you can build your own designs from this pressure fit standard.
Included in this collection is a set of filled in bins of every size from 1x1x1 to 7x7x7 in both .f3d and .step formats. Grab the bin size you want, and open it in your modeling tool of choice. Then make a hole of the right size and shape for the thing you want to hold.
If that doesn't work for the design you have in mind, I've also created a Fusion 360 Plugin that will let you create a custom pressure fit bin (including magnet recovery divots) in just a few clicks. Grab it on GitHub! (This is a fork of Le0Michine's amazing work!)