FLSUN V400 Enclosure using Thin PET Sheet

This is a FLSUN V400 enclosure using thin sheets of PET.
updated March 30, 2023



This is a FLSUN V400 enclosure using thin sheets of PET.
薄いPETのシートを使ったFLSUN V400の筐体です。

Advantages 利点

Less expensive than plexiglass アクリルに比べて安価

This is the biggest advantage. I purchased a 900 x 1800 x 0.188mm PET sheet for 1,580 yen. I designed the enclosure to take advantage of this sheet size of 900mm.
これが最大の利点です。私は900 x 1800 x 0.188mmのPETシートを1,580円で購入しました。このシートサイズ900mmを生かせるように筐体を設計しました。

Easy to process the sheet シートの加工が容易

The sheet is thin and can be easily cut with scissors. This is not possible with plexiglass.

Drawbacks 欠点

Difficult to assemble 組み立てにくい

Anyway, it is difficult to assemble because the sheet is so flimsy. If you are not confident in your patience, use plexiglass.

Lacks sturdiness 頑丈さに欠ける

The sheet is bent so it can stand on its own, but it can be easily deformed if strong force is applied from the outside. If a child misbehaves with it, it will be out in one shot.

Poor appearance 見た目が悪い

Although this sheet is transparent, it reflects light much more than plexiglass. It also scratches easily. Static electricity generated on the sheet attracts dust.

Printing a narrow slit is difficult 細いスリットの印刷が難しい

The width of the slit to insert the sheet is 0.7 mm, but if you are not careful about the seam when printing, it will soon be blocked. Therefore, PrusaSlicer's seam painting feature is a must. Even so, a slight disturbance in the printing can cause it to be blocked, so I recommend making sure that the sheet goes into the slit before assembly.

It's kind of full of drawbacks. If you still want to make it, please proceed to the next section.

About Printing 印刷について

I still have not found the parameters for printing to be satisfactory. I will publish the PrusaSlicer project file as I think the seam painting data will be useful, but other than that, don't rely on it too much.

How to assemble 組み立て方

Right side assembly 右側の組み立て

  1. Print "right bottom A", "right bottom B", "top A", "top B" one each and two "foot". Pads are provided at the corners to prevent warping, so please cut them apart after printing.
    「right bottom A」、「right bottom B」、「top A」、「top B」をそれぞれ一つずつと「foot」を二つ印刷します。角に反りを防ぐためのパッドを設けているので、印刷後に切り離してください。
  2. Cut the sheet to the length of the slit; the dimension on the CAD is 510.7 mm. I made mine a little shorter, 900 x 506 mm, but that is not a problem, as the part that goes into the rail does not need the sheet.
    シートをスリットの長さにカットします。CAD上の寸法は510.7mmです。私は少し短めの900 x 506mmで作りましたが、レールの中に入る部分にはシートがなくても良いので問題ありません。
  3. Screw the "foot" into the "right bottom A" and "right bottom B".
    「right bottom A」、「right bottom B」に「foot」をねじ込みます。
  4. Insert two M3 nuts into either side of "right bottom A" or "right bottom B" and two M3 x 8mm screws into the other side.
    「right bottom A」、「right bottom B」のどちらか片方にM3のナットを二つ挿入し、反対側にM3 x 8mmのネジを二つ挿入します。
  5. Insert "right bottom A" and "right bottom B" into the rails. After that, connect "right bottom A" and "right bottom B" using two M3 x 8mm screws. If you attach "A" and "B" first, they should not fit into the rail.
    「right bottom A」、「right bottom B」をレールに差し込みます。そのあとでM3 x 8mmのネジを二つ使って「right bottom A」と「right bottom B」を接続します。先にAとBをくっつけてしまうとレールにハマらないはずです。

  6. Remove the top cover of the rail.
  7. Connect "top A" and "top B" using two M3 nuts and two M3 x 8mm screws, respectively. This one is inserted from the top of the rail, so you may connect them first.
    「top A」と「top B」をM3のナットとM3 x 8mmのネジをそれぞれ二つ使って接続します。こちらはレールの上から挿入するので、先に繋げて構いません。
  8. Insert the sheet into the slits of "right bottom A" and "right bottom B" to make them stand on their own, and place the connected "top A" and "top B" on top. It is necessary to insert the sheet into the rails while allowing it to fit into the slits. This is easy to write in text, but it is difficult to do in practice. It is indeed difficult, but not impossible.
    シートを「right bottom A」、「right bottom B」のスリットに差し込んで自立させ、「top A」と「top B」をつなげたものを上に載せます。スリットにシートが入るようにしつつ、レールに差し込む必要があります。文章で書くのは簡単ですが、実際にやるとこれが難しい。確かに難しいのですが、しかし不可能ではありません。

When completed, it will look like this. 

The stripe pattern on "top A" and "top B" is a design consideration to keep the connection inconspicuous. A photo of the prototype without the stripes is also shown for comparison.
「top A」と「top B」にストライプ模様があるのは接続部を目立たせないためのデザイン上の配慮です。比較のためにストライプがない試作版の写真も載せておきます。

Left side assembly 左側の組み立て

Almost the same as the right side. Instead of "right bottom A" and "right bottom B", "left bottom A" and "left bottom B" are used. The difference is that there is a hole for the power cord. The chassis will be greatly expanded, but I chose this size because I did not want to bend the power cord at a steep angle.
右側とほぼ同じです。「right bottom A」、「right bottom B」の代わりに「left bottom A」、「left bottom B」を使います。違いは電源コードを通す穴が空いていることです。筐体が大きく膨らんでしまうのですが、電源コードを急角度で曲げたくなかったのでこの大きさにしました。

Door assembly ドアの組み立て

  • Print "door bottom left," "door bottom right," "door top left," "door top right," and "foot" one by one. The corners are padded to prevent warping, so please detach them after printing.
    「door bottom left」、「door bottom right」、「door top left」、「door top right」、「foot」をそれぞれ一つずつ印刷します。角に反りを防ぐためのパッドを設けているので、印刷後に切り離してください。
  • Print "door middle right B" and "door middle left B" one each, "door middle right A" and "door middle left A" two each, and "L angle" three.
    「door middle right B」、「door middle left B」をそれぞれ一つずつ、「door middle right A」、「door middle left A」をそれぞれ二つずつ、「L angle」を三つ印刷します。
  • Print "Geared hinge for FLSUN V400" and "T slot nut for hinge" two each. Then, print one "T slot nut" and three "T slot nut double".
    「Geared hinge for FLSUN V400」と「T slot nut for hinge」をそれぞれ二つずつ印刷します。そして「T slot nut」を一つ、「T slot nut double」を三つ印刷します。
  • Print one "Waffle Pattern Drawer Handle".
    「Waffle Pattern Drawer Handle」を一つ印刷します。
  • Cut the sheet to 900 x 590 mm (the CAD dimension is 598.5 mm). 595 mm would not have worked, so I made it 590 mm. Unlike the right and left sides, if it is too long, it will not be assembled.
    シートを900 x 590mmにカットします。CAD上の寸法は598.5mmです。595mmだとうまくいかなかったので590mmにしました。右側や左側と違って長すぎると組み立てられなくなります。

As a matter of fact, I still don't really know how best to assemble it. No matter how I try to do it, the final assembly has become difficult. Therefore, please consider the following procedure as a possible way of doing so.

  1. Fix "door middle left A" to both sides of "door middle left B" using M3 x 8mm bolts and M3 nuts.
    「door middle left B」の両脇に「door middle left A」をM3 x 8mmのボルトとM3のナットを使って固定します。
  2. Fix "door middle right A" to both sides of "door middle right B" using M3 x 8mm bolts and M3 nuts. In the photo, the handle is attached at this point, but it is better to attach it later as it may be misoriented. When installing the handle, insert two M4 nuts and secure it to "door middle right B" using M4 x 20 mm screws.
    「door middle right B」の両脇に「door middle right A」をM3 x 8mmのボルトとM3のナットを使って固定します。写真ではこの時点でハンドルを取り付けてありますが、向きを間違える恐れがあるので後で取り付けた方が良いでしょう。取り付ける場合ハンドルはM4のナットを二つ挿入し、M4 x 20mmのネジを使って「door middle right B」に固定します。
  3. Fasten "door bottom left" to "door bottom right" using M3 x 8mm bolts and M3 nuts.
    「door bottom left」と「door bottom right」をM3 x 8mmのボルトとM3のナットを使って固定します。
  4. Screw the "foot" into the "door bottom right".
    「door bottom right」に「foot」をねじ込みます。
  5. Insert three M6 nuts into the "door bottom left".
    「door bottom left」にM6のナットを三つ挿入します。
  6. Insert "T slot nut for hinge", "T slot nut double", "T slot nut double", "T slot nut double", "T slot nut", and "T slot nut for hinge" in this order on the left rail. Insert M6 nuts into the "T slot nut for hinge" and M3 nuts into the others in advance.
    左側のレールに「T slot nut for hinge」、「T slot nut double」、「T slot nut double」、「T slot nut double」、「T slot nut」、「T slot nut for hinge」の順番で挿入します。「T slot nut for hinge」にはM6のナットを、それ以外にはM3のナットをあらかじめ挿入しておいてください。
  7. Fix the two "Geared hinge for FLSUN V400" to the "T slot nut for hinge" using M6 x 16mm screws. Place them at the top and bottom of the rail.
    二つの「Geared hinge for FLSUN V400」を「T slot nut for hinge」にM6 x 16mmのネジを使って固定します。これらはレールの一番上と一番下に配置します。
  8. Fasten the three "L angles" to the "T slot nut" and "T slot nut double". These parts are used to close the gap created by the door being off the rail by the thickness of the hinges.
    「L angle」を三つ「T slot nut」と「T slot nut double」に固定します。これはドアがヒンジの厚みの分レールから離れることによって生じる隙間を塞ぐための部品です。
  9. Fasten the "door bottom left" to the hinge using three M6 x 12 mm screws. The "door bottom left" is rounded at the corners of the hinge, which allows it to act as a latch. When you close the door, you will feel it hit the corner of the hinge, but make sure it snaps into place when you apply a little force.
    「door bottom left」をM6 x 12mmのネジを三つ使ってヒンジに固定します。「door bottom left」とヒンジの角が接する部分が丸くなっておりますが、この形状によってラッチとして働くようになっています。ドアを閉めていくとヒンジの角に当たりますが、少し力を入れるとカチッとはまって固定されることを確認してください。
  10. Fasten the one assembled in step 1 to the "door bottom left" using M3 x 8mm screws.
    ステップ1で組み立てたものを「door bottom left」にM3 x 8mmのネジを使って固定します。
  11. Fasten the one assembled in step 2 to the "door bottom right" using M3 x 8mm screws.
    ステップ2で組み立てたものを「door bottom right」にM3 x 8mmのネジを使って固定します。
  12. Insert the sheet into the slit of the one assembled so far to make it stand on its own. If it wobbles, have someone support it. Handle it carefully so as not to break it.
  13. Insert the sheet into the "door top left" slit and cover it from above. Then use three M6 x 12mm screws to temporarily secure it to the hinge.
    「door top left」のスリットにシートを挿入しつつ上から被せます。そしてM6 x 12mmのネジを三つ使ってヒンジに仮固定します。
  14. Carefully open the door and secure the "door top left" and "door middle left A" with M3 x 8mm bolts.
    ドアを慎重に開けて「door top left」と「door middle left A」をM3 x 8mmのボルトで固定します。
  15. Insert the sheet into the slit in the "door top right" and cover it from above. Then fix "door top left" and "door top right" with M3 x 8mm bolts and fix "door top right" and "door middle right A" with M3 x 8mm bolts.
    「door top right」のスリットにシートを挿入しつつ上から被せます。そして「door top left」と「door top right」をM3 x 8mmのボルトで固定し「door top right」と「door middle right A」をM3 x 8mmのボルトで固定します。
  16. After assembling the door up to this point, the door will have a definite shape and will not wobble. While taking care that the door does not tilt, firmly close the screws of the hinges that have been temporarily fixed.

If the handle was not attached in step 2, secure it to the "door middle right B" using M4 x 20 mm screws.
ステップ2でハンドルを取り付けていなかった場合は、M4 x 20mmのネジを使って「door middle right B」に固定してください。

The top cover of the rail that had been removed is put back on to complete the process. The following part is used for the right side cover to avoid interference with the cables.

It was a difficult task, so I did not have time to take pictures during the process. Therefore, the following is a picture of the finished product out of the blue.

Extra おまけ

Did you notice that the bottom T slot nut is double instead of single, so there is one extra screw hole? This is to hold the camera in place. The hole in the "door bottom left" is for the camera cable.
一番下のT slot nutがシングルではなくダブルになっているのでネジ穴が一つ余っていることに気づいたでしょうか? これはカメラを固定するためです。そして「door bottom left」に穴が空いているのはカメラのケーブルを通すためです。

I made "camera attachment" and "camera base". "camera attachment" is for a Logitech webcam. Other than this, I use "Articulated Arm".
私が作ったのは「camera attachment」と「camera base」で、「camera attachment」はロジクールのウェブカメラ用です。これ以外は「Articulated Arm」を使います。

Print "camera base" and "22-112Balljoint20mmFemaleM4" one by one and fix them with M4 bolt.
「camera base」と「22-112Balljoint20mmFemaleM4」を一つずつ印刷し、M4のボルトで固定します。

Print "camera attachment" and "22-112Balljoint20mmMaleM4" one by one. Disassemble and remove the camera hinge and secure it to the "camera attachment" with M3 x 16mm bolts. Then fasten the "camera attachment" to the "22-112Balljoint20mmMaleM4" with M4 bolts.
「camera attachment」と「22-112Balljoint20mmMaleM4」を一つずつ印刷します。カメラのヒンジを分解して取り外し、M3 x 16mmのボルトで「camera attachment」と固定します。そして「camera attachment」と「22-112Balljoint20mmMaleM4」をM4のボルトで固定します。

Print as many of the three parts of the "22-112Balljoint20mm" as you like. In the photo, three sets are used. Insert and fix them.

Fix the "camera base" to the T slot nut with M3 x 10mm bolts. This completes the process.
「camera base」をT slot nutにM3 x 10mmのボルトで固定します。以上で完成です。

The camera sometimes shakes violently during printing, which needs to be improved.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
