Temple of Time (Interior) - Zelda Ocarina of Time

⛪⏳ Interior of the classic building from the N64 Zelda game. MMU ready.
updated March 22, 2023



 ⛪ The Temple of Time ⏳

Inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,

MiniWorld3D artist @dude2k5 created this model of the interior the Temple of Time that fits together with the separate model of the exterior!

Due to the amazing MMU work, this model is NOT in the same scale as other ones such as Kakariko Village or Hyrule Castle. Scaling it down to 20% is a good match to fit the scale of the rest of the other models. We also have more Ocarina of Time locations with the goal of completing the whole overworld (and some dungeons)!

This is Support-free. 
It comes in different versions.

  • Single color, all parts combined in a single STL like any other model
  • 5 color, for using Prusa MMU, Mosaic Manufacturing Palette  or similar
  • All split, each part separated so you can make your own combinations of colors
  • Extras: although too small to print at 1:1, we include files for the Spiritual Stones and the Master Sword, just in case you scale up, use resin, or for fun!

Special thanks one more time to Dude2k5, author the entirety of this model and the multi-color splitting.

At MiniWorld3D we are Zelda fans and are so happy to bring this special model to you. It was created from scratch by hand and brain to ensure printability.  Please give credit, it's all about spreading what we like! 

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MiniWorld 3D is a collective of 50+ artists creating the best library of 3D printable models of landmarks of the world!

Photo credits:  dude2k5



Suggested parameters:

Perimeters: 2
Top layers: 3
Infill: 15% or so

No supports needed. 

It comes in different versions.

  • Single color, all parts combined in a single STL like any other model
  • 5 color, for using Prusa MMU, Mosaic Manufacturing Palette  or similar
  • All split, each part separated so you can make your own combinations of colors
  • Extras: although too small to print at 1:1, we include files for the Spiritual Stones and the Master Sword, just in case you scale up, use resin, or for fun!

    Multicolor version files indicate color suggestions, but you're free to choose which ones of course.

Scale down to 20%  to fit the scale of the rest of our other Zelda models. 


The Legend of Zelda is a video game franchise by Nintendo. The Legend of Zelda Characters, Names And Related Indicia Are Trademarks Of And © 1986 – 2023 Nintendo. Nintendo properties are trademarks of Nintendo. This model is a non-profit, fan work modeled from scratch based on the resemblance of the real game location. No trademark infringement is intended.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
