Spool Holder and drybox for PRUSA Mini+ for up to 2kg spools

Remix of spool holder for mini modified to use standard mini spool holder parts and store bogger spools
111h 31m
5× print file
0.15 mm
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
1255.00 g
updated March 20, 2023



Remix of model by pnewton. I made it wider so you can store up to 2ks prusament spool, removed original spool holding mechanism and replaced it with original spool holder base for prusa mini, you will just need longer rails (included). 

For closing mechanism, you can use 2 of the shortest screws from spare parts bag included with prusa mini, model for mechanism is available with the very first original model by Ondřej Stříteský

There is also small hole at front so you can use filament for printing directly from this drybox, no need to remove it, also there is holder for sponge to clean any dust from your filament - just small note to this, I am already considering redesigning this part so it will use PTFE tube, as due to friction it made printing process quiet noisy.

Printed model on photos is not the prittiest as I had issues printong these sloped walls, due to its size it was slightly bending and warping, even when using PLA to print this.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
