Full walls for F1 and F2 went missing but the Thingiverse-generated blue images of the full files were still up. Re-loaded the following files:
### 08-Apr-2020
Updated notes to clarify lifting issue.
### 14-Dec-2019
I have completed the slicing and scaling of the basement/foundation. I am also printing off my final piece for the build and putting it together. Aside from watching your lifting, everything seems to print well.
I have renamed all of the files to make it easier to figure out what parts you may need to print roughly following the structure layed out by Hsus, Project_Floor_Part. Any future modifications to files (like reducing mesh density to shrink file size) will have a versioning attached to them.
### 29-Nov-2019
I have successfully printed the first and second floors and the files scale just fine. I have just started printing Floor 3. I added the scaled files for Floor 3, Floor 4, and Floor 5. I have not printed these floors yet, so I am not sure if anything needs changing. I am sure nothing needs tweeking since I am just scaling the other model. I am still working on the basement files, trying to add geometry to them to make them easier to print and assemble.
### 28-Nov-2019
I replaced the Floor2c1 and Floor2c2 files as they were only scaled on the y-axis and not the x-axis. I will only be adding files as soon as I print them so that I can make sure they print fine and nobody does what I just did and blow a 14-hour print.
I also added the kitchen area from Floor 1 and the firewood from the fireplaces on Floor 2.
This is a modification of the Trollkull Manor by Hsus. I found when I printed the original basement, my minis didn't quite fit everywhere. We use a 1" x 1" grid for our play. When I measured the grid dimensions, I found that the N/S dimensions needed to be increased by 15% and the E/W dimensions needed to be increased by 20% in order to make the floor grid a proper 1" x 1".
The original model is sized to print just fine on the Ender 3 at it's dimensional limits. By increasing the X and Y dimensions, not all of the models fit anymore. I have been putting the base STLs in Meshmixer and resizing/cutting them so that they still fit the Ender 3 with the larger size. It should be noted that I did not change the Z dimensions at all.
I also took some of the walls-only files and fit them together a bit tighter to print faster. They will be glued in sections to their mating ceilings, so they do not have to maintain their spacial offsets.
When using supports on things like the fireplaces, I found that it is best to put a support blocker on the back half of the inside of the fireplace so that the slicer doesn't add supports behind the fire or logs.
After printing I have noticed anomalies on the wood flooring (I have included a close-up picture of one of the printed sections). When I went back to look at the source files, I saw that the planks are not flat across, they have polygons in them. I am assuming that this is because the original mesh wasn't at a sufficient resolution to render the planks flat. So, if you see your planks coming out other than smooth, your printer is probably working just fine.
I recommend that if you are printing any of the floors that take up a considerable amount of the build plate to use a raft and make sure your plate is secured with clips or something so that it doesn't warp and lift.
I was really new to 3D printing when I made this remix. Since then, I have learned quite a bit. The largest issue I had with printing these files was that large straight sections would bow and lift from the buildplate (sometimes taking the magnetic bed with them). That is why I suggested using rafts with the print.
I have since learned that this is due to ambient temperature while printing PLA. When the PLA cools unevenly, it will contract and warp. On large, straight pieces, this will cause contraction at higher layers (since they cool faster) and induce bowing. Printing at an ambient of < 70F seems to exasperate this effect as well as having a breeze present over the buildpiece (window, fan, air duct ...)
To avoid these issues you can do a number of things:
My fully printed tavern (minus basement) is approximately 1.8 kg. I would anticipate 2-3 spools for this build. Depending on how you slice the basement, that may push it to 3 rolls.
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.