Bring your record player to life!
This is a 45 record adapter that i designed in the course of the printing contest for a friend of mine. Since I was allways fascinated by zoetropes I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to build one myself and integrate it into a record player.
The most impressive animation can be achieved if the adapter is illuminated with a strobe light at the correct frequency (9 Hz). You can build it with a pwm generator (adjustable duty cycle) and a LED.
→ NOTICE: this animation goes in the opposite direction than it will actually be on the record player
However, the animations can also be observed through the slits of the outer ring. To do this, just print it out and glue it onto the outer edge.
NOTICE: This video is created with the help of a drill which had a higher speed than the actual record player will have. So I slowed the video down to match the real speed of the record player. I will upload a real video of the working adapter when I can. Since I dont own a record player I need to get access to one first. In real life the animation is far more pretty to watch than I could capture it on the video (especially the moving circles and moving wave)
Assembly and printing instructions:
You have to put the animated circle in the order that is shown in the image below. Put it in AGAINST the clock. Otherwise the animation will be backwards (might also look nice, didnt try it yet though). It is best to print them in another color then the base and slitscreen so you can distinguish them. The same goes for the sinuswave. I have painted it since I forgot it.
If you want to print out your own animation consider the measurements given in the image below. I would be delighted to see your own design for the animation.
For the paper-printed animation I included a document where I included copyrightfree drawings that I found interesting. Feel free to use them as you like. They should be in the right scale but I had some problems with my printer and needed to scale them up a bit until they worked out.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.