Designed a mold for the pokemon "Ditto", as Ditto should be made with soft material
updated April 9, 2023



This is a 3d printed mold designed based on

Ditto should be very soft, so I made a 3d printed mold for Ditto and poured silicone into it.

I added a little bit of red coloring(for silicone use) to make it appear pink.

The mold needs nearly 200g of silicone to make a full-sized Ditto. I only poured around 160g, so there are still some space between the silicone and the mold.

Mold_a and mold_b mates precisely with three round pins and dimples designed into the mold. V-shaped edges between mold_a and mold_b is for filling clay to seal the gaps and also for demolding using wedge-shaped tool.

Some tips:

  1. Funnel for pouring silicone is recommended.
  2. Silicone release coating on inner surface of mold is recommended.
  3. Seal the gap between two molds and between funnel with clay.
  4. Degas your silicone before pouring!
  5. Be patient when pouring
  6. Always check leakage between each 3d printed parts during pouring.



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Happy Ditto?
by Kyle Zhang
Original model was switched to draft or deleted
