Wireless Dust Sensor SDS011 and DHT22(AM2302) with Wemos OLED enclosure

Republished from my thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3342804 Links to the parts contain Banggood's…
updated July 2, 2019



Republished from my thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3342804

Links to the parts contain Banggood's affilate metadata.


I needed a PM2.5/PM10 sensor during this winter season. I wanted to monitor more than one room and did not want to buy multiple expensive devices.

This is an eclosure designed to fit 3 devices:

  1. an acurate dust sensor
  2. an Wemos ESP8266-based board with an OLED display
  3. a digital humidity and temperature sensor


  • Wemos NodeMCU with an OLED display
    The brain of this project. Provides processing, connectivity and instant data feed on the display.
    Buy Wemos with a display

  • Nova SDS011
    The main sensor used to measure PM2.5 and PM10
    Buy SDS011

  • DHT22 (AM2302)
    Additional sensor to measure humidity and temperature
    Buy DHT22

  • Screws:
    4x longer M3x20 screws to hold the main case plates together
    4x shorter M3x8 screws to mount the Wemos board


  1. Print the parts (I used 2 colors per part with ColorPrint)
  2. Connect SDS011 to Wemos board
  3. Connect DHT22 to Wemos board
  4. Use 4x shorter screws to mount the Wemos board to the front plate
  5. Use the longer boards to keep front and back plate together
  6. Flash Wemos board with ESPEasy
  7. Configure devices in ESPeasy


When fully assembled, it should be compete with the retail products as:

Please feel free to propose improvements



Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
